Shit Gary Says

...things I don't want to forget

Building a Functional Puppet Workflow Part 1: Module Structure

Working as a professional services engineer for Puppet Labs, my life consists almost entirely of either correcting some of the worst code atrocities you’ve seen in your life, or helping people get started with Puppet so that they don’t need to call us again due to: A.) Said code atrocities or B.) Refactor the work we JUST helped them start. It wasn’t ALWAYS like this – I can remember some of my earliest gigs, and I almost feel like I should go revisit them if only to correct some of the previous ‘best practices’ that didn’t quite pan out.

This would be exactly why I’m wary of ‘Best Practices’ – because one person’s ‘Best Practice’ is another person’s ‘What the fuck did you just do?!’

Having said that, I’m finding myself repeating a story over and over again when I train/consult, and that’s the story of ‘The Usable Puppet Workflow.’ Everybody wants to know ‘The Right Way™’, and I feel like we finally have a way that survives a reasonable test of time. I’ve been promoting this workflow for over a year (which is a HELL of a long time in Startup time), and I’ve yet to really see an edge case it couldn’t handle.

(If you’re already savvy: yes, this is the Roles and Profiles talk)

I’ll be breaking this workflow down into separate blog posts for every component, and, as always, your comments are welcome…

It all starts with the component module

The first piece of a functional Puppet deployment starts with what we call ‘component modules’. Component modules are the lowest level in your deployment, and are modules that configure specific pieces of technology (like apache, ntp, mysql, and etc…). Component modules are well-encapsulated, have a reasonable API, and focus on doing small, specific things really well (i.e. the *nix way).

I don’t want to write thousands of words on building component modules because I feel like others have done this better than I. As examples, check out RI’s Post on a simple module structure, Puppet Labs’ very own docs on the subject, and even Alessandro’s Puppetconf 2012 session. Instead, I’d like to provide some pointers on what I feel makes a good component module, and some ‘gotchas’ we’ve noticed.

Parameters are your API

In the current world of Puppet, you MUST define the parameters your module will accept in the Puppet DSL. Also, every parameter MUST ultimately have a value when Puppet compiles the catalog (whether by explicitly passing this parameter value when declaring the class, or by assuming a default value). Yes, it’s funny that, when writing a Puppet class, if you typo a VARIABLE Puppet will not alert you to this (in a NON use strict-ian sort of approach) and will happily accept a variable in an undefined state, but the second you don’t pass a value to your class parameter you’re in for a rude compilation error. This is the way of Puppet classes at the time of this writing, so you’re going to see Puppet classes with LINES of defined parameters. I expect this to change in the future (please let this change in the near future), but for now, it’s a necessary evil.

The parameters you expose to your top-level class (i.e. given class names like apache and apache::install, I’m talking specifically about apache) should be treated as an API to your module. IDEALLY, they’re the ONLY THING that a user needs to modify when using your module. Also, whenever possible, it should be the case that a user need ONLY interact with the top-level class when using your module (of course, defined resource types like apache::vhost are used on an ad-hoc basis, and thus are the exception here).

Inherit the ::params class

We’re starting to make enemies at this point. It’s been a convention for modules to use a ::params class to assign values to all variables that are going to be used for all classes inside the module. The idea is that the ::params class is the one-stop-shop to see where a variable is set. Also, to get access to a variable that’s set in a Puppet class, you have to declare the class (i.e. use the include() function or inherit from that class). When you declare a class that has both variables AND resources, those resources get put into the catalog, which means that Puppet ENFORCES THE STATE of those resources. What if you only needed a variable’s value and didn’t want to enforce the rest of the resources in that class? There’s no good way in Puppet to do that. Finally, when you inherit from a class in Puppet that has assigned variable values, you ALSO get access to those variables in the parameter definition section of your class (i.e. the following section of the class:

class apache (
  $port = $apache::params::port,
  $user = $apache::params::user,
) inherits apache::params {

See how I set the default value of $apache::port to $apache::params::port? I could only access the value of the variable $apache::params::port in that section by inheriting from the apache::params class. I couldn’t insert include apache::params below that section and be allowed access to the variable up in the parameter defaults section (due to the way that Puppet parses classes).


We do NOT recommend using inheritance anywhere else in Puppet and for any other reason because there are better ways to achieve what you want to do INSTEAD of using inheritance. Inheritance is a holdover from a scarier, more lawless time.

NOTE: Data in Modules – There’s a ‘Data in Modules’ pattern out there that attempts to eliminate the ::params class. I wrote about it in a previous post, and I recommend you read that post for more info (it’s near the bottom).

Do NOT do Hiera lookups in your component modules!

This is something that’s really only RECENTLY been pushed. When Hiera was released, we quickly recognized that it would be the answer to quite a few problems in Puppet. In the rush to adopt Hiera, many people started adding Hiera calls to their modules, and suddenly you had ‘Hiera-compatible’ modules out there. This caused all kinds of compatibility problems, and it was largely because there wasn’t a better module structure and workflow by which to integrate Hiera. The pattern that I’ll be pushing DOES INDEED use Hiera, BUT it confines all Hiera calls to a higher-level wrapper class we call a ‘profile’. The reasons for NOT using Hiera in your module are:

  • By doing Hiera calls at a higher level, you have a greater visibility on exactly what parameters were set by Hiera and which were set explicitly or by default values.
  • By doing Hiera calls elsewhere, your module is backwards-compatible for those folks who are NOT using Hiera

Remember – your module should just accept a value and use it somewhere. Don’t get TOO smart with your component module – leave the logic for other places.

Keep your component modules generic

We always get asked “How do I know if I’m writing a good module?” We USED to say “Well, does it work?” (and trust me, that was a BIG hurdle). Now, with data separation models out there like Hiera, I have a couple of other questions that I ask (you know, BEYOND asking if it compiles and actually installs the thing it’s supposed to install). The best way I’ve found to determine if your module is ‘generic enough’ is if I asked you TODAY to give me your module, would you give it to me, or would you be worried that there was some company-specific data locked in there? If you have company-specific data in your module, then you need to refactor the module, store the data in Hiera, and make your module more generic/reusable. Also, does your module focus on installing one piece of technology, or are you declaring packages for shared libraries or other components (like gcc, apache, or other common components)? You’re not going to win any prizes for having the biggest, most monolithic module out there. Rather, if your module is that large and that complex, you’re going to have a hell of a time debugging it. Err on the side of making your modules smaller and more task-specific. So what if you end up needing to declare 4 classes where you previously declared 1? In the roles and profiles pattern we will show you in the next blog post, you can abstract that away ANYHOW.

Don’t play the “what if” game

I’ve had more than a couple of gigs where the customer says something along the lines of “What if we need to introduce FreeBSD/Solaris/etc… nodes into our organization, shouldn’t I account for them now?” This leads more than a few people down a path of entirely too-complex modules that become bulky and unwieldy. Yes, your modules should be formatted so that you can simply add another case in your ::params class for another OS’s parameters, and yes, your module should be formatted so that your ::install or ::config class can handle another OS, but if you currently only manage Redhat, and you’ve only EVER managed Redhat, then don’t start adding Debian parameters RIGHT NOW just because you’re afraid you might inherit Ubuntu machines. The goal of Puppet is to automate the tasks that eat up the MAJORITY of your time so you can focus on the edge cases that really demand your time. If you can eventually automate those edge cases, then AWESOME! Until then, don’t spend the majority of your time trying to automate the edge cases only to drown under the weight of deadlines from simple work that you COULD have already automated (but didn’t, because you were so worried about the exceptions)!

Store your modules in version control

This should go without saying, but your modules should be stored in version control (a la git, svn, hg, whatever). We tend to prefer git due to its lightweight branching and merging (most of our tooling and solutions will use git because we’re big git users), but you’re free to use whatever you want. The bigger question is HOW to store your modules in version control. There are usually two schools of thought:

  • One repository per module
  • All modules in a single repository

Each model has its pros and cons, but we tend to recommend one module per repository for the following reasons:

  • Individual repos mean individual module development histories
  • Most VCS solutions don’t have per-folder ACLs for a single repositories; having multiple repos allows per-module security settings.
  • With the one-repository-per-module solution, modules you pull down from the Forge (or Github) must be committed to your repo. Having multiple repositories for each module allow you to keep everything separate

NOTE: This becomes important in the third blog post in the series when we talk about moving changes to each Puppet Environment, but it’s important to introduce it NOW as a ‘best practice’. If you use our recommended module/environment solution, then one-module-per-repo is the best practice. If you DON’T use our solution, then the single repository per for all modules will STILL work, but you’ll have to manage the above issues. Also note that even if you currently have every module in a single repository, you can STILL use our solution in part 3 of the series (you’ll just need to perform a couple of steps to conform).

Best practices are shit

In general, ‘best practices’ are only recommended if they fit into your organizational workflow. The best and worst part of Puppet is that it’s infinitely customizable, so ‘best practices’ will invariably be left wanting for a certain subset of the community. As always, take what I say under consideration; it’s quite possible that I could be entirely full of shit.
